• M. Artigue, DIDIREM, Universite de Paris, France.
• R. Noss, Institute of Education, University of London, United Kingdom.
• M.A. Mariotti, University of Siena, Italy.
• K. Krainer, University of Klagenfurt, Austria.
• D. Potari, University of Patras
• E. Koleza, University of Ioannina
• F. Kalavasis, University of Aegean
• K. Christou, University of Cyprus
Thematic Units
a) Design and Analysis of didactical situations
Co-Ordination: Μ. Kaldrimidou – M. Tzekakib) Expression of mathematical thought: psychological and cultural approaches
Co-Ordination: M. Sakonidisc) Mathematics using ICT tools
Co-Ordination: C. Kynigosd) Teachers’ Education in Teaching Mathematics
Co-Ordination: G. Filippou
a) Design and Analysis of didactical situations
Co-Ordination: Μ. Kaldrimidou – M. Tzekaki
During the last years mathematics education is concerned systematically
with the design of didactical situations, appropriate for the development
of mathematical concepts and processes. The analysis of such situations
in parallel with researching the way the teacher manipulates mathematical
concepts in the classroom is a quite important aspect of the didactical
In the framework of this thematic unit the proposed papers are asked to
present research or theoretical approaches in the following:
• Design of didactical situations relative to various mathematical concepts
• Analysis of didactical situations and/or analysis of the processes and
interactions within the mathematical school classroom
• Manipulation of mathematical knowledge by the teacher and/or by the students
• Issues of methodologies and tools for classroom research and the analysis
of didactical situations
b) Expression of mathematical thought: psychological and cultural approaches
Co-Ordination: M. Sakonidis
In mathematics the growing need of expression, communication and manipulation of abstraction and generalization, as student progresses to higher levels of education, entails the effective use of a variety of representations: images, diagrams, words, mathematical notation etc. Access to these representations and to the system that underpins their functions is defined both by the broader socio-cultural and the educational context of learning, which in turn defines the processes of learning and teaching mathematics. This thematic unit focuses on the study of issues that are related to the functionality, the appropriate use and the manipulation and accessibility of the various representational systems to students and teachers in the framework of mathematical education.
Mathematics using ICT tools
Co-Ordination: C. Kynigos
ICT has been used in various ways in mathematics education. Every ICT tool and the way it is used is based on implicit or explicit assumptions. These can be epistemological, socio-cultural, pedagogical or a combination of them. They apply and affect tool use both at the level of immediate large-scale implementation or at the level of design research and innovative educational research contexts. This thematic unit aims at discussing those approaches. We expect papers related to issues of teaching and learning in contexts that are based in the use of ICT tools, related to design, functionalities and representations of established or developing technological artifacts or papers referring to issues of implementation in real educational contexts and issues of supporting students in using ICT mathematically in their everyday practices.
Teachers’ Education in Teaching Mathematics
Co-Ordination: G. Filippou
During the last years there are considerable developments in relation to
the professional development of teachers, which begin with prospective teachers’
decision to choose the respective area of study all the way to the point
of retirement. Those changes are apparent in the theories of learning, for
instance in socio-constructivism, that focus on the development of strategies
and processes of thought rather than on concrete didactical practices. In
this thematic unit papers related to changes in the professional development
of teachers as organizers of learning activities that facilitate the construction
of knowledge are expected. Some indicative topics may be: the profile of
people that choose the profession of the teacher of mathematics, the curricula
of educational departments, the motives, the attitudes and beliefs of pre
and in-service teachers, and in general the factors that interact and affect
the teaching and learning of Mathematics.